Our work


A fresh new look for the future

We migrated OSGeo.org (Open Source Geospatial Foundation), a non-profit Open Source community platform, to a customized WordPress based Content Management System (CMS) and gave it a refreshing new look and feel.

OSGeo also serves as an outreach and advocacy organization for the Open Source Geospatial community, and provides a common forum and shared infrastructure for improving cross-project collaboration worldwide.


OSGeo ran into problems with the scalability and functioning of their CMS. The website could also use a visual and technical update.

Target Audience

Open Source GIS companies/projects


A new website including a custom-made CMS system

Partnered Since

The challenge of OSGeo

OSGeo was preparing their steps for the next ten years, including its vision, mission and goals. However, the majority of these goals were hindered by their outdated website. In 2009 the branding and look of the website had been updated, but the technology behind it had never been tackled. Get Interactive was asked to take care of this.

The wish of OSGeo was to improve their branding and online presence, on top of a website which was suitable for the future. The website and the accompanying CMS system had to be internationally accessible in a fast and efficient way, due to their users located in America, Europe, Australia, China, Africa and Japan. Speed, stability and ease of use are crucial for this. It was important for OSGeo that new users could quickly find their way on the new website.

"The result is clear, eye-catching and accessible - a great new look for OSGeo."

Our Plans

OSGeo.org asked us to help them renew their foundation, both visually and technically. We took care of the complete branding and developed the new platform to fit their needs.

Due to scalability and performance issues with OSGeo.org’s previous CMS, the decision was made to replace the old platform with a custom CMS, and migrate all content to a new custom WordPress platform.

The old CMS was filled with many articles, photos, videos and galleries, built up over the years by the more than 1,000 registered community members from different countries and the projects they worked on together.

It was quite a lot of work to move this data to a new CMS. For this we developed a custom website and tool that understood the various content structures of different websites and could interact between them.

With a new CMS at the back end, we then redesigned the front end and made the homepage, where the majority of users land, more logical. Community members can use the new website to collaborate, share information, process data and get in touch with each other more easily.

To cope with the increasing OSGeo users, we have provided the website with customized functionalities. The website has been divided into clusters and filters have been applied to allow users to view the site more quickly. Community members are now able to contribute their ideas faster and smarter while working on different projects.

“Community members are now able to contribute their ideas faster and smarter while working on different projects.”


For OSGeo we designed a website with a clear look and feel. For users it is easy to see where they are on the website, how they can find specific information and what OSGeo stands for and is committed to.

We developed the website with mobile, tablet and desktop in mind, so that the interaction of the community platform is tailored to and available for every device and every user.

Costum work

We developed custom features that make it easier for users to find information and participate more efficiently in various OSGeo projects.

The new CMS system also checks the different elements and characteristics of the OSGeo projects during a search. This way, the system can point the user to a combination of projects that best matches the search query.

OSGeo Project-selector

We designed a Wizard that allows the visitor to easily and visually find the right software product. After a short selection, it is possible to provide information about the problem, after which the Wizard recommends a selection that meets the needs.


We have been working extensively on the branding of OSGeo. The design of the logo and new corporate identity took into account the necessary print materials such as brochures, so that OSGeo can communicate in different ways with their fresh new look.

OSGeo on the collaboration

We are very pleased with how the pages for each project look. From the use of laptop frames to show screenshots, to the clear presentation of service providers who are key contributors to a project; everything looks slick.

For our branding, a series of logos were proposed based on our goals and taking into account the current logo. The logos were ranked from traditional to revolutionary, where our preference ultimately fell exactly in the middle. It was also very valuable that the various options included a look at our competitors in the market.

We also really liked the use of wireframes for the design of the new website. These were created in conjunction with the customer journey, which outlines what kind of visitors we expect, what we want to communicate and what content is required to do so. These wireframes were created in InVision, which allowed our volunteers to provide feedback and sort content and questions visually (a welcome change compared to endless spreadsheets).

The result is a clear, eye-catching and accessible website – a great new look for OSGeo.

“The result is clear, eye-catching and accessible – a great new look for OSGeo.”

Jody, Voorzitter OSGeo