Our work


Helping students get to the right destination

By developing a new website for Studentenreisproduct, we were able to help students with clear information, including handy tools such as a login portal, prominent chatbot and calendar module. Lisette and Sander of Studentenreisproduct tell you more about the collaboration!


Update the website with clearer information and less pressure on customer service

Target Audience

Students (starting student, traveling student, foreign student)


A clear website whose information provision relieves customer service.

Partnered Since

The challenge of Studentenreisproduct

Studentenreisproduct  was having problems providing new, traveling and foreign students with the right information to quickly apply for a student travel product.

The old site was not user friendly, which put a lot of pressure on the helpdesk. Many questions came in about both the application and the validity of the Studentenreisproduct.

Sander: “We had a website that was not rated positively by the students and it was unclear on the main page where the student needed to go. The website was also very outdated, it hadn’t changed in 10 years so it needed a fresh coat of paint.”

"The old site was not user-friendly, which put a lot of pressure on the help desk."

So Sander went on a quest to find a company with a solution: “What really stood out with Get Interactive was the creativity. I really missed that with the other parties we had invited; they came up with a website that I could screw together myself and didn’t really have any ideas of their own. This just looked really fresh, and we were immediately sold. They also came up with a proposal that was interesting from a price point of view as well. The possibility of purchasing extensions (if necessary) such as visuals and illustrations really appealed to us. ”

Lisette: “The decisive factor was that Get Interactive understood us so well and understood the assignment. It was clear what had to be done and they also came up with good ideas and not just what we had already thought of and noted down.”

Our Plans

When we started working for studentenreisproduct, one of the biggest problems quickly came to light: the three different target groups (starting student, traveling student and foreign student) each have their own flow, which was not taken into account in the design of the original website. We therefore extensively looked at the Customer Journey of the different users and incorporated them into the new design of the website.

The old website was already quite outdated, with far too many menu items and texts. These long texts were not read by the students, so the right information was not easy to find. This resulted in the students calling the customer service department. That had to change!

By clustering information more clearly and using short to-the-point texts, users can now access information more quickly. We also improved the chatbot and placed it more prominently on the website, which increased its use and significantly relieved the customer service department.

Another important part was to rewrite the pages for SEO. This resulted in an increase in ranking position of a whopping 31.45%. The number of organic visitors increased by 29.3% in 12 months.

We also linked up with DigiD and eIDAS for access to a personal, secure customer environment. Here, students can link their student travel product to a public transport card, manage claim requests and request a temporary student travel product if a card is lost or defective.

"What really stood out about you guys was your creativity. I missed that a lot with other parties; they didn't really have their own ideas."

Customer Journey

We made the application for a studentenreisproduct  more compact and clear. To do this, we tailored the website to the needs of each target group and the corresponding flow.


The chatbot is an important tool for providing visitors to studentenreisproduct  with the right information on the most frequently asked questions. By adjusting the styling and giving the chatbot more prominence, it is used three to four times more often. This saves many calls to customer service every day.


There were many questions about the validity of weekly and weekend subscriptions. Previously, this was described in a long piece of text that was not read, which led to a lot of pressure on the helpdesk. With a clear agenda, the provision of information has improved.

Studentenreisproduct on the collaboration

“I feel that the current site really works much better and that students can now find their way on the website very well and know where to go. That was really the main issue to tackle.” said Sander. “I’m super positive about you guys, also in terms of collaboration and communication, that all went well. Keep up the good work!”

Lisette is especially pleased with the new homepage: “I think the homepage is really great. I’m really very happy with that. In addition, everything was well taken care of, even after the website was live. If I still saw things that weren’t quite right, it was solved within a few days or sometimes even the same day. You guys always acted quickly and if we had certain ideas they were also dealt with properly, which was very nice.  I thought you really listened well to us.”

Curious about the new website of studentenreisproduct? Check it out here!

Wat zegt de klant

I am super positive about you guys, also in terms of cooperation and communication, that all went well. Keep up the good work!

Sander, Teamleader helpdesk / Product Owner