
Online Marketing

For those who want to grow

Online marketing is a wonderful way to grow your business. Whether you want to attract more customers, improve sales or increase your brand awareness: with good online marketing you can take the next step. Of course money does not grow on trees, so you are looking for a company that advises you about the right choices. This way, every euro you invest in online marketing yields as much results as possible.

At Get Interactive, we are specialists in four important pillars within online marketing: SEO, SEA, content creation and conversion optimisation.

SEO: Search Engine Optimisation

Your website can be the most beautiful website out there: if it is not found, it is of little use to you. With SEO we ensure that search engines understand your website as well as possible, so that you attract more organic visitors. We will analyze your content, look at the technical aspects of search engine optimization and come up with a good and focussed strategy.

SEA: advertising in search engines

A shortcut to a higher position in search engine results is SEA. You advertise in Google on certain keywords and ensure that if your potential customer searches for this keyword, your company ranks high in the search results. With the right approach, this can be an interesting option.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is an integral part of Online Marketing these days. No matter what product or service you offer, your target audience is likely to use at least one of the best known Social Media channels; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. It is therefore crucial that your company has a presence here as well.

Content creation

A website cannot exist without good content. It’s the voice of your business, and it has to match how you come across on the phone and in real life. If not, there will be a mismatch between you and potential customers. Content is also an important way to promote your company, for example through white papers or blogs.

Conversion optimization

Every page on your website serves a purpose. If you don’t have those goals clear yet, we’ll first help you with that. We then use conversion optimization to ensure that visitors can achieve these goals as easily as possible.


Having a beautiful website is not enough these days. Good content is crucial, but due to a lack of time or lack of knowledge, it does not often get the attention it deserves. We can help you with that!

Want to know more about online marketing?

Do you have a question about online marketing and what Get Interactive can do for your company? Please contact us, we would be happy to discuss the possibilities!